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After school club is now back on!

All clubs will now be free of charge.

Times will still be the same, from 3:20pm to 4:15pm. 

There will now be 20 spaces available for each club.  If your child's place is accepted, please read below and make a note of your child's new scheduled day and time.  

Places will be fixed for 6 weeks. To reserve a space, you must log on to your ParentPay account!


Term 1 starting week commencing 20th September 2021 and ending week commencing 8th November 2021.

Term 1 will be the following year groups:

Monday- Year 1

Tuesday- Year 6

Friday- Year 4

Term 2 starting week commencing 15th November 2021 and ending week commencing 13th December 2021.

 Term 2 will be the following year groups:

Monday- Year 2

Tuesday- Year 3

Friday- Year 5