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Parent partnerships are a statutory service offering information and support to parents and carers of young people with special educational need.

Providing health and medical information that is quality assured, reliable, up to date and easy to understand. It is regularly reviewed and locally relevant.

NHS Choices is the online front door to the NHS.

This is the nation's heart charity with a vision of a world where people don't die prematurely from heart disease.

To see links to healthy living information, and specifically related web links, just click here. 

Healthy Minds

This is a website with advice and help for mental health and wellbeing.

Revision Websites


A collection of well resourced, progressive videos and activities which are useful in helping children to revise and refresh work on given topics.

This is an excellent site, providing revision help for KS2, KS3, KS4 and KS5. This covers all subjects through activities and tests.

A wide range of KS2 SATs questions, from past papers and their own team of teachers.

Revision pages at Woodlands Junior School. These revision pages support the work they do at Woodlands Junior School. They have been put together for their students to help them with their revision. Included are some sample questions taken from past Key Stage 2 SATs papers, as well as a whole host of interactive test/ quizzes.

Booster maths games for children to look at the major topics.