We are very proud of our school uniform and we expect all pupils at St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School to attend school clean, tidy and well presented in the correct school uniform.
PE kit is part of the school uniform. All uniform must be clearly labelled with the child's name. Pupils are responsible for their own uniform.
School uniform can be purchased from Tesco Embroidery Service at https://myclothing.com/collections/kemsley-primary-academy-8264/, www.yourSchoolUniform.com or Crested Schoolwear www.crestedschoolwear.co.uk/ at Park Street, Walsall, WS1 1LY.
All pupils are expected to have the following:
- White shirt or blouse with a collar (long or short sleeved)
- School tie - bottle green with silver stripe
- Bottle green V neck jumper with school logo or cardigan with school logo
- Grey trousers for boys, grey skirt or grey pinafore dress for girls. Girls can wear green/white check school dress in the Summer Term only.
- Plain black school shoes with appropriate heel (Not trainers or shoes that light up)
- Plain black or bottle green socks or tights for girls, plain black or grey socks for boys
- Book bag
- Pupil planner
Nursery Pupils Uniform
- White polo shirt with school logo
- Plain black jogging bottoms
- Bottle green jumper/cardigan with school logo
- Plain black school shoes with appropriate heel (no trainers, or shoes that light up)
PE kit
All pupils are expected to have the following:
- Bottle green polo shirt with school logo
- Black Shorts - plain
- Black Pumps - plain (plain black trainers may only be worn for outdoor PE and games – strictly no heelies at any time)
- PE Bag
PE kit should be in school every day and taken home at weekends for laundry purposes.
Outdoor Games ONLY:
- Bottle green hoodie with school logo, plain black jogging bottoms, plain black trainers.
- Swimming kit:
- for girls - plain black full costume (no bikinis), towel, swimming hat
- for boys - plain black swimming trunks (no loose Bermuda type shorts), towel, swimming hat
Jewellery must not be worn or brought to school, with the exception of wristwatches. Earrings are not permitted. For pupils who have their ears pierced, stud earrings are permitted for up to six weeks ONLY, these should be taped/plastered by parents before coming to school each morning. After this six week period, earrings must be removed for school. Any ear studs or wristwatches worn by the pupils are the sole responsibility of the pupil.
No make up or nail varnish is allowed at any time, including Mufti/Own clothes days.
No extreme haircuts or styles are allowed in school, this includes dyed or gelled hair, shaved patterns or tramlines cut into hair, coloured braids or beads in hair. Hair accessories, e.g. small ribbons or hairbands must be bottle green, black or yellow/gold.
Hijabs must be bottle green or black.
‘Heelies’ are not permitted on school premises at any time, including Mufti/Own clothes days.
Parents should write a message in their childs planner if they are unable to wear the correct uniform for any reason.