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Catholic Life

Mission Statement

At St. Patrick's Catholic Primary School, we grow and work together knowing that God is with us in all we do.

Our Catholic mission is to enable every child to have an active mind, a sense of empathy and compassion, aspiration and ambition so that they become what God calls them to be



  • To uphold established Catholic values and traditions
  • To foster a prayerful environment
  • To endeavour to apply the teachings of the Gospel
  • To provide a happy, safe and secure environment for teaching and learning
  • To nurture and respect every child as a unique individual
  • To offer a curriculum where the individual can grow in knowledge and faith
  • To develop an open partnership based on trust and justice between school, home and parish
  • To value and respect all cultures
  • To encourage growth and independence rooted in relationships
  • To ensure equality for all enabling full potential to be achieved
  • To integrate each individual’s special needs

Our mission statement encompasses our values and beliefs. Our faith is central to all that we do at St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School and Christian worship is an integral part of our school life. We aim for children to develop a personal relationship with God, become aware of the Church year and the sacramental links and reflect and respond to the message of the scripture. The children are taught to respect the feelings and thoughts of the school community and involve them in an activity with which they can identify.

As a Catholic school, Collective Worship is an important time during which we can share in celebrating God's love and learning more about our Catholic faith through stories, songs, drama, games and prayer. 

Class teachers pray with their children at the start of each day, at lunchtime and at the end each day and are encouraged to employ a variety of styles of prayer. Progressively, children will be helped towards experiencing short periods of reflection and silent prayer.  Acts of worship in the classroom may only be 5-10 minutes in length but might include: music, a focus / image, a candle, scripture, reflection through thought provoking questions and a song or prayer. We also explore the traditions of other religions in order for children to become more understanding of the beliefs of others.

Catholic Pupil Profile

As a Catholic school we work hard at forming attitudes and values in our pupils which are based on the gospel teaching, values and actions of Jesus Christ. The  Catholic Pupil Profile are  values we promote through collective worship and these values and virtues are the foundation of our school ethos and help us to live by the Gospel Values.


Spiritual, moral, social, vocational and cultural (SMSVC) is an outstanding feature of life at St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School. Children are provided with a wealth of opportunities to develop spiritually through inspiring child led prayer services, outstanding collective worship, use of high quality prayer resources and thought provoking lessons.

From a moral perspective, the children are encouraged to approach problems and decisions focused on 'What Jesus would do?'

Lots of opportunities are provided for pupils to socialise with others from different socioeconomic, ethnic and other religious groups so that children develop a respect for all people as children of God. Students' vocational development is catered for by dedicated mission weeks as a time to reflect on our call to serve others; this encompasses all that we do here at St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School. Children's cultural development is enhanced by our topic work in which we study national and international topics; engaging with the cultures of people who live there.

SMSVC is a central aspect for our school as 'through faith and education we seek to achieve fullness of life' for all members of our community and the world in which we live, as God's people.

Management & Organisation




Praise Assembly/Prayer Service.  A member of the SMT will deliver the praise school assemblies for all children from Reception to Year 6.  These assemblies are used to celebrate personal and class success. Pupils receiving a reward will be named in the Newsletter the previous Friday.  Parents of those pupils named are very welcome to attend.



Hymn Practice.



School/Parish Mass in church. This will be led by a different class each week.  Parents and parishioners are kept informed about Mass via the weekly newsletter.


At St. Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, there is a culture of great generosity when it comes to raising money for those less fortunate than ourselves.  Each year some of our pupils collaborate with one of the local Secondary Schools and make and deliver sandwiches to a homeless shelter.  All of the produce collected for our Harvest Festival is also donated to local care homes.  During Lent our pupils collected £71.08 for the Good Shepherd Appeal, £260 for the Mayors Appeal and £260.59 for St. Chad's Sanctuary.  A total of £702.32 was raised recently for the Macmillan Cancer charity.